Mifroma takes pride in being strongly rooted in our local community.
Trusted cheesemakers
Animal-friendly dairy farms
Expert Maître Fromagers

The commitment to our partners.
“We have been working with Mifroma for more than 40 years and now feel like we are all part of one family with whom we share the same passion for the Swiss dairy tradition.”
Premium quality milk from local farmers.
Grass-fed cowsThe cows are fed fresh grass and hay, and have plenty of space to roam outdoors.
ProductionMilk producers are mindful of the environment, and they don’t practice intensive stock-rearing: the average Swiss dairy farm comprises fewer cows, which have a name.
TimingThe fresh, unpasteurised milk used in the production of our cheeses is always processed within 24 hours.
DistanceThe milk is always produced no farther than 12.5 miles from the cheese dairies: this guarantees freshness and minimises emissions during transportation.

100% fresh Swiss milk
A team of carefully selected cheesemakers.
Selecting the best cheese producers is an integral part of the work of our Maîtres Fromagers, who occasionally travel around the regions in search of new specialities and possible business partnerships with local companies.
Family-run business
We are proud to be able to collaborate with so many small local businesses throughout Switzerland. Generations of cheesemakers who, with their passion and dedication, contribute to the success of our cheeses.
Traditional artisanal production
Whether AOP or speciality products, the production processes are based on centuries-old, strictly controlled traditional recipes and methods. The experience of each producer combined with the savoir-faire of our Maîtres Fromagers makes each product unique and inimitable.
We have exclusive cooperation contracts with some of our cheesemakers, many of which last for several years. This means that the entire production of a given cheese is destined solely for Mifroma, thus guaranteeing very high-quality standards and a degree of prestige.
Large value-added chain
Our cooperation pact with small local producers is also a guarantee for the environmental protection and the economic development of the area of origin and its inhabitants.
Our record-breaking Gruyère.
The achievements of Monsieur Didier Bovet.
The recipe for the incredible success of this cheesemaker from Corcelles-le-Jorat is made up of dedication, humility and a lot of passion. Although Monsieur Bovet is not fond of talking about his excellent results, he was awarded the IPG gold medal and currently holds the title of best Gruyère producer in existence, according to the Interprofession du Gruyère.